
Green With Envy

To do this tutorial you will need 
Derzi Candles and Juba tube from beehive studio HERE 
You will also need Amy Maries KellyLynn Scrapkit HERE You will also need sg masks heart burst HERE supplied as its no longer available
You will also need eyecandy impact which can be found on internet......
Lets get started open a new 650 x 650 layer  
Flood colour of choice then open heart burst mask and apply to flood filled layer fit to canvas ticked invert ticked and source luminance ticked then merge group Open the sparkles32 from within the scrapkit and turn vertical and place at right side of tag duplicate and mirror then merge these two layers together
Open gem swirl and place top right side of tag duplicate and mirror then flip then merge these two together 
Open brac from scrapkit then hue and saturate a colour of your choice then place top left duplicate and mirror flip then merge these two together
Open rectangle tool and draw out a rectangle 340 by 470 flood fill colour of choice using blinds settings in psp width 5 choose a colour 
lighter than colour of rectangle opacity 100 the two boxes ticked
Open huge disco ball from kit resize smaller then place bottom left hand of tag behind rectangle that you have just made
Open ball 5 and make small place on one of the rectangles corner then duplicated until on all four corners then merge all four layers together
Make two small circles 200 flood fill with colour of choice then add noise monochrome place both behind square frame one top left one bottom right
Make a circle 250 open tube of choice place as desired within the circle click the circle layer invert then click delete on tube layer ,duplicate tube layer on bottom layer guassian blur by ten on top layer change layer settings to lumance legacy then merge these three layers together
Using eye candy impact glass default setting except set the tint for white now add drop shadow of choice duplicate place on bottom left and the other top right
Open circle tool and make circle 450 then fill colour of choice Click in side circle expand by 5 then open new layer and fill with white then add noise monochrome
open the tube using the circle selections tube decide what part of tube you want then invert and delete then duplicate this layer untill fills the coloured circle that was created before then merge these layers together click inside circle invert then on tube layer hit delete hue and saturate colour of choice 
merge the glitter circle the colour circle layer and the tube layer together then add drop shadow of choice
Open a couple of the flower layers within the kit hue and saturate if you wish to go with tag place these behind circle layer 
Open the bubble layer and place as desired and as before 
hue and saturate if desired
Open the Sparkle layers within the kit place were desired if you add more that 1 then remember to merge them together
Open the ribbon later and place along bottom of tag 
Open tube of choice add drop shadow of choice place as desired 
Add copyright and name of choice all done




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