
Red Queen Tutorial

To do this tutorial you will need 
Ninaste Cupid Queen tube from beehive studio HERE 
You will also need TinyTurtle Red harvest Angel scrapkit  HERE
You will need xero plugin radiance and porcelian
You will also need WSLmask 258 which can be 
downloaded from her site

Lets get started open a new layer 650 x 650
Open the swirls place 1 in top right and then duplicate mirror flip
 then merge together
Open the black leaves from the kit and place one in
 top left of tag duplicate and mirror and flip and 
merge these two
 layers together 
Open up the large circle frame layer and place in the center
 of the tag open your tube if it has a 
close up use 
that layer place in circle frame click inside frame expand 
by 2 invert then click delete
 duplicate on the bottom layer blur by 10 on the to player 
xero porcelain with default settings then radience with
 default settings the add a drop shadow of choice to the frame 
then merge these three layers together
Open the red sparkles and place top left of tag now
 open your tube add drop shadow of choice 
move the red sparkle that you have just placed behind the heart ward
Now open the flowers from within the kit and place
 were desired behind the tube and along the frame 
line adding drop shadow of choice
Open the tree layer and place that behind the center
 frame on the right hand side of the tag
Open the large button with silver edging place in 
center of the tag behind the circle frame
Open the other button resize smaller and place 
around frame layer amongst the flowers
I opened the light grey flower brightened it up and
 placed a few of them around to break the dark flowers
 on the bottom of the tag
Open the black small leaves and place a few along with 
the flowers but place them at the back
Finally use a paper from the kit  and apply you
mask and place back 
 of tag
Add copyright and name of choice all done




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K.Garvey ~ 1061
E.Chatzoudis ~ EAS10350
Toosh Toosh ~0208
The Hunter ~ APSS0146
B.Jensen ~ 1192
Michi Art
V. Many ~ VMT_Angel
P 4 D ~ PFD_Angels
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A.Crowe ~ 356
R.Zaric ~ 026
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I.Rac ~IRT 2260
U.Y.A ~ U.Y.A.0280
Artistic Dreams ~ ADI-01605
Alicia Mujica ~ LDS 822
J.Cano ~ Can0099
Beehive ~ BHS-147
Spazz ~ Spazz-75
Celiart ~ CL03IP
S@CO~ S@CO 064
TBPSP ~ TBP 0257
Queen Uriel ~ 0158
Zlata ~ Zlatam-Angel
M.Jelina ~ MJ 1833
Mishka ~Angel-0001m
DAH - 476 ~ Angel






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