

To do this tutorial you will need Marin Abel  tube 47-2  which you can buy from HERE
you will also need Toxic Desirez Scrapkit Magical with is Exclusive to Hanias Store 
which you can buy from HERE
I used mathe mask of weescotlass creations301 you can download it from HERE
You will also need eye candy gradient glow you can download this from the net

Now to start open a 650 x 650 raster layer
Choose a color from scrapkit i choice a colour from the magical book 
flood fill and then load mask of choice merge group together I chose weescotlass mask 302
Using your elipse tool and make a cirle Flood fill a colour of choice 
Click inside circle selection modify convert by 5 then click delete 
Open up sun element and make this fill the circle just created then click within the circle layer then on the sun layer click delete
Open tube of choice and place between sun and circle layer if it doesnt fill the circle enlarge it then duplicate on the bottom tube layer click blur 10 change the top tube layer opacity to screen 
On the circle layer add noise of choice and add a drop shadow of choice 
Now merge the sun layer the 2 tube layers and the circle layers 
together then add a drop shadow of choice
Place the circle to the right of your tag 
Open the sun element and place on the left hand side 
of the tag behind the circle 
just placed
Open the green treen and place to the left over the sun and circle layer 
add a drop shadow of choice
Duplicate this layer make smaller and place in the cnter of the tag 
Open the castle layer form the scrapkit make smaller and place between the two trees
 just placed adding a drop shadow of choice
Now open the rock and grass layer make smaller and place on the right hand side
 of the center of the tag between the circle layer 
placed before and the small tree layer placed in center duplicate and mirror
 then merge these two layers together change the brigtness to -53 
Open the waterfall layer make smaller and place one to the left behind the rocks just placed and pduplicate and place another to the right behind the rocks again merge the two waterfalls 
and the rock layers together adding a drop shadow of choice
Get the magical fence layer make smaller place one to the right duplicate and place
 on to the left then merge these two layers together
Open the grass layers place the same as the fence only to the bottom of the tag
 one on the left and one on the right 
merge these two layers together duplicate this layer and raise upward 
to make more grass merge these layers together
Open the magical sparkle burst make smaller place in bottom right of the tag 
Open the magical book layer and place this over the layer 
just placed you will have to judge the size as your making the sparkles come from the book
Open the sparkle layer and place over the tag 
Now place your tube to the left of the tag adding a dropshadow of choice
Open one of the butterfly andmake smaller add a drop shadow of choice 
and place top right of the tag on the circle layer  created earlier
Now add your copy right and name  i always use eyecandy gradient glow 
then add adrop shadow of choice to your name
and all done




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