
Bad 2 The Bone

To do this tutorial you will need  
 Toxic Desirez Scrapkit Bad To The Bone
Which you can buy HERE
The tubes im using are from Toosh Toosh you can buy them HERE
You will also need eye candy gradient glow you can download this from the net

Open a new layer 650 x 650
Open the kit and copy and paste the splatter make it smaller enough to fit into the top left corner
 of the tag duplicate and mirror now merge these two layers together
Duplicate again and this time flip now merge these two layers together
now you have you background
Open candy 2 from the kit make this the same size as you did the splatter
place top right of the tag rotating it so the pads face the corner add a drop shadow of choice
duplicate and mirror now merge these two layers together change the opacity to screen
Hue and saturate to a sky blue colour
Open the line of paws from the kit and place along bottom of the tag
hue and saturate to a green colour now duplicate a few times each time change position
weather it be to flip to mirror to hue and saturate to a different green do this until you cannot see threw then then merge them all together
Now open the kennal and place bottom right of tag open the two paw prints and make really small ...small enough to fit on the label of the kennal
Now open the bad to the bone ,bone make smaller again so this fits between the two roof sections now adding drop shadow of choice to both merge these with the kennal just placed also add a drop shadow of choice to the kennal as well
Get some of the flowers from the scrapkit and place along the green fence made before with the string of paw prints
Open your tube of choice place as desired adding a drop shadow of choice to it as well
I also used the cat and snail from the tube kit i added dropshadow to both
I placed the cat on the kennal roof and the snail to the left of the tag staring up at the dog
Open the ribbon from the kit and place center of the tag adding a drop shadow of choice to it
Open the sparkles place 1 boottom of the tag duplicate and place other top of the tag merge two of these together place behind the cat layer
Open the ball layer add a drop shadow of choice place bottom right just beside the kennal now oen dogs bowl and place that infront of the ball just placed
Get the wordart make smaller and place between the two butterflys on the top placed before making sure that its behind the butterfly layers
add a drop shadow of choice to the wording
Open one of the frames and place along bottom of the tag place this layer just behind the cat layer
add a drop shadow of choice to it
Add your copyright and your name of choice adding a gradient glow
and a drop shadow of choice
All done




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